A Complete Guide on Outdoor Tiles in 2022

A Complete Guide on Outdoor Tiles in 2022

There is hardly a way to talk about outdoor tiles without mentioning patios, and outdoor living spaces. These spaces are known for adding significant value to your home and represents the overall theme of what guest should expect to find inside the house. In addition, while taking care of the water features, furniture, fire pits, and all, you should also need to install the floor first. When installing the floor, the question of whether or not to use outdoor tiles comes to the fore. 

You need to decide on the correct type of floor that suits your home needs outside. And if you find it hard to figure it out, you may have to consult an expert or simply ask for recommendations. In response to the needs and requests of our customers, we have compiled a comprehensive guide on what you need to know in choosing outdoor tiles. Let us define outdoor tiles and differentiate between them and indoor tiles.

What are outdoor tiles, and how are they different from indoor tiles?

There are two significant differences between indoor and outdoor tiles: design and durability. Here is a clarification: the creation of outdoor tiles should involve the appearance of stones, decking, concrete, pavement, and other similar elements. Whereas the surface of the outdoor tiles must have a different texture from the indoor tile. The texture must be slip and fall resistant.

In addition, outdoor tiles should also be more durable than indoor tiles since they get exposed to extreme conditions. For instance, they get direct sunlight, direct rain, moisture content, and other harsh weather conditions without damage. Therefore, while you plan to install outdoor tiles, consider these essential factors to not wash your efforts down the drain.

A Complete Guide on Outdoor Tiles in 2022

Essential Tips to Choosing the Right Outdoor Tiles for your Home Exterior

The following are essential factors that can make or mar your installation of outdoor tiles. Mainly, if you don’t know what to look out for, the choice can get a bit overwhelming. For this cause, we have submitted a few tips for perfecting the outdoor tiles. Consider the factors below

What is your Budget?

Your budget is the first item to work out is your budget. How much do you have to spend on the installation process of your outdoor tiles? Can you afford the style of design that you think of doing? For instance, high-quality materials will cost a bit more. So, you can watch out for that. At the same time, costlier materials don’t always mean the best material. The best patio must have full functionality with the right concept and execution.

A Complete Guide on Outdoor Tiles in 2022

Where and how to use outdoor tiles?

Outdoor tiles should have enough strength and durability to withstand unfriendly situations, including specific elements. Similarly, outdoor features can be tougher to handle. But they must not be prone to cracks, scratches, or any other damage for it to last. Then, the application of these outdoor tiles must also involve the pattern of installation and use on the wall and ground. Similarly, certain outdoor tiles work much better on walls than on the floor.

The weather condition of your area

As we mentioned, environmental factors affect outdoor tiles, including weather conditions. Depending on the harshness of these conditions, you may need to get the kind of outdoor tiles that can withstand these issues. So, the questions are: what is the weather like in your area? Is the weather mild or harsh? Is there snow during winter? How high or low does the temperature go?

Therefore, you should handle these requirements by buying suitable outdoor tiles. Meanwhile, a tile that can hold up heat may not be perfect during winter. On the other hand, if your area has a lot of rain, the right outdoor tiles for you may not be suitable during the winter. Therefore, the kind of weather you experience in your area determines the type of outdoor tiles you choose. 

How much light gets on the outdoor tiles?

Another essential factor is the light intensity on the surface of the outdoor tiles. For instance, if a set of outdoor tiles falls under the shady area, usually darker, you should install dark tile colors there. On the other hand, sites that experience bright light may require light-colored surface tiles to reflect the light. 

In other words, the visual effects that you get from these tiles concern the color or contrast of the outdoor tiles. Moreover, if your patio gets direct sunlight, you may also use a dark tile instead to tray the light. Visit http://lhpowerandlight.org/5-cheapest-outdoor-tiles-that-you-need-to-know/ to read about 5 cheapest outdoor tiles that you need to know.

A Complete Guide on Outdoor Tiles in 2022

Outdoor tiles must fit into your overall style and color

If a set of outdoor tiles do not align correctly with the overall theme or style of your home. Otherwise, you will experience a clash between these themes, or your outdoor tiles feeling disconnected. You can also make the interior decorations as a reference point so that both interior and exterior elements can resonate with each other. 

For instance, a rustic outdoor tile can look out of place with a sleek modern home. Therefore, you should find items and tiles that complement your overall house style and not distract away from them. Color is an essential factor in causing the themes to resonate with each other. Colors can be blended into each other or form a contrast. 

A Complete Guide on Outdoor Tiles in 2022

Famous Types of Outdoor Tiles

You have learned all the necessary tips to increase your chances of creating beauty in your home exterior. But then, we need to look at some options of the most popular tile materials in use. 

  • Ceramic tile
  • Porcelain tiles
  • Quarry tiles
  • Slate tiles
  • Granite tiles
  • Concrete tiles
  • Soapstone tiles
  • Limestone tiles
  • Sandstone tiles


In conclusion, outdoor tiles occupy an integral part of your home formation. Whereas you should patiently choose the best matching set of outdoor tiles. Considering the factors mentioned above, you should find the best outdoor tiles you need. Meanwhile, if it is still a tough decision, we will be delighted to help. Click here to read about Home Improvement: suburban works-in-progress.

5 cheapest outdoor tiles that you need to know

5 cheapest outdoor tiles that you need to know

Recently, I noticed several writings about outdoor tiles being expensive. Some writer has gone to an extreme by cooking up fake essays about outdoor tiles to generate traffic on search engines. I was shocked when I saw an article pointing directly at outdoor tiles as one of the most expensive. Those writers even go to the extent that these unique tiles are meant for first-class people. Then, I asked myself, how about people of the middle class? Are they not entitled to living a good life? Are they not allowed to make their homes a comfortable place? So, I began to do some research secretly to know if outdoor tiles are not expensive yet of good quality. Dear reader, I found countless of them. 

Immediately I found what I was looking for, then I thought about what those writings about expensive outdoor tiles would have caused people. Some people would have made their home a more comfortable place, but they see themselves as someone that cannot afford to terrazzo floor tile in their homes. However, this article is not meant to blame anyone, but it aims at passing out the correct information to people of the middle class. I comforted myself with the fact that everyone is entitled to their opinion. But I want to charge you and encourage you to come out of the mentality that you cannot make your home like heaven on earth. 

5 cheapest outdoor tiles that you need to know

 So, I won’t be like those writers that left some people comfortless by giving them incomplete information due to their inability to do proper research. While I was searching to know if there are cheap outdoor tiles, I found out that there are countless them. Then, the struggle continues on picking out the most affordable of them and yet of good quality.

All you need to do is pay attention, then go straight to any tile store to pick up your tile. Hence, below are the quality and the cheapest outdoor tiles that you need to know;

  1. Botanique brunia porcelain paving slabs: This unique tile will fit in the exterior part of your house. It can be installed on walls and floors of the exterior part of the house. It is so cool and beautiful. It is 600 x 600 x 20 mm. Today, you can see this awesome outdoor tile in the range of 29.95 pounds per square meter. Isn’t that amazing? This tile is one of the cheapest tiles and yet a quality one. For those who are scared of visiting a tile store, I want to encourage you to go today and ask for Botanique brunia porcelain paving slabs.
  2. Lakeside blue-grey slate effect porcelain paving slabs: This excellent outdoor tile is 595 x 595 x 20 mm. It is easy to clean and easy to maintain. Even in some of the so-called rich men’s houses, I have seen it. You can also afford and install it to either your pool area or every other exterior part of your house. Water does not penetrate it easily. It has a smooth surface that will add more character to other outdoor materials in your home. 
5 cheapest outdoor tiles that you need to know
  1. Medici plus natural porcelain paving slabs: This unique outdoor tile is gorgeous. This porcelain tile is now 26.95 pounds per square meter. Its size is 595 by 595 by 20mm. It is easy to clean and maintain. Medici is a tile that can be installed either on the wall or floor of the exterior part of the house. What else are you waiting for? You can go on search engines and check out some of its features. You can see this tile on Amazon and every tile store in Australia. Therefore, for those of you that have been willing to see or know an outdoor tile that will fall within your budget, Medici plus natural porcelain paving slabs is what you need. 
  1. Material Perla porcelain paving slabs: Do you want a cheap, beautiful tile of good quality? Material is what you need to consider. This porcelain tile should be around 36.95 pounds per square meter. It is easy to clean and maintain. It is a type of tile that is also suitable for walls and floors of the exterior part of the house. Honestly, I want you to trust me on this that you can never regret using this excellent outdoor tile in your home. Its size is 610 by 610 by 20mm. Isn’t that lovely? 
5 cheapest outdoor tiles that you need to know
  1. Calacatta gold porcelain paving slabs: This unique tile has almost the same features as the Materia Perla porcelain paving slabs. This porcelain tile is also 610 by 610 by 20mm. One can get this tile in the range of 36.95 pounds per square meter. It is easy to maintain and clean. It is different from other tiles with a smooth surface that can cause an accident in the home. Calacatta gold has a rough surface that can prevent slipperiness. Therefore, you won’t regret using this fantastic tile for those of you who want something beautiful. You will also like to read! Best 10 Outdoor Tiles for Modern Gardens

Closing thought

You might be wondering where and how to get the above-listed outdoor tiles. They are all easy to get. You can get them in any tile store around you. Also, you can get them on Amazon. Please permit me to chip in something significant quickly. Please ensure that you are hiring a competent tiler to do the work for you. One thing is to get cheap material, and another thing is to get a qualified installer that will do the exact picture of what one has in mind. Do your research before concluding on who to hire. Finally, I want to tell you that I am always open to answering questions regarding this topic. So, don’t hesitate to drop your question in the comment box if there is any. You can read about 12 home improvement projects you should never, ever DIY by clicking here.